The case for managerial decency

A scandal at Britain’s P&O Ferries shows how not to handle redundancies

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  • 04 2, 2022
  • in Business

MANAGEMENT ENTAILSPO some unpleasant conversations, none worse than telling employees that they have lost their jobs. There is nothing enjoyable about giving people this kind of news. But it can be done well or it can be done badly—or it can be done in the style of Peter Hebblethwaite.Mr Hebblethwaite is the chief executive of & Ferries, a ferry operator that carries passengers and freight between Britain and continental Europe. On March 17th the company told almost 800 of its workers on a video call that they were being replaced with immediate effect by cheaper foreign contractors. Security guards were on hand to escort the dismissed workers from the ships.

  • Source The case for managerial decency
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