The legacy of Abe Shinzo will shape Japan’s economy for years

The anti-deflation arsenal of the country’s most influential prime minister is still needed

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  • 07 14, 2022
  • in Finance & economics

than eight years is not an especially long tenure for heads of government in much of the world. In Japan, it is a veritable aeon. And two years after the resignation of Abe Shinzo, a former prime minister who was , the reforms he pushed in office look set to shape Japan’s economy for years to come.The current prime minister, Kishida Fumio, secured a big majority of seats in the upper house of Japan’s legislature in the election on July 10th. His greater focus on equality and redistribution, which he calls “New Capitalism”, was initially cast as an alternative to Mr Abe’s vision. In reality, it will be built on the his predecessor laid out. The programme which began after Mr Abe’s 2012 thumping election victory—dubbed Abenomics—had three so-called “arrows” to dislodge Japan from its economic stagnation: flexible fiscal policy, monetary expansion and structural reforms.

  • Source The legacy of Abe Shinzo will shape Japan’s economy for years
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