Unlucky LIPs may explain Venus’s hostile environment

Huge volcanoes may have wrecked the Venusian climate—and may yet do the same to Earth’s

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  • 10 19, 2022
  • in Science & technology

Earth are of almost equal size and grew from the same mixture of raw materials, yet while Earth has been wet and temperate for most of the 4.5bn years it has existed, Venus is a bone-dry 450°C pressure cooker.This has only a little to do with Venus being closer to the Sun. Though it receives about twice as much sunshine as Earth, its slow rotation (from sunrise to sunrise its days last for 117 terrestrial ones) means that if Venus magically got as wet as Earth, those long, hot days would let thick cloud cover form. This would shield its surface, making it not much warmer than Earth is. Its oceans would not boil away.

  • Source Unlucky LIPs may explain Venus’s hostile environment
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