- 07 28, 2024
Jacob ZumaANCmkANCANC once said that the African National Congress () would rule South Africa “until Jesus comes back”. But it is the second coming of the former president that could have a pivotal impact on the country’s election on May 29th. Should it survive a legal challenge to keep it off the ballot, his new party, uMkhonto we Sizwe (), will help make the vote the most consequential since the end of apartheid.By taking away support from the it would probably ensure the ruling party needs a coalition to stay in power. Cyril Ramaphosa, South Africa’s president, may be faced with a crucial choice for himself and the country. Does he try to build a coalition of pragmatists? Or does he turn to ex- figures, like Mr Zuma, and take South Africa in an even more populist and anti-Western direction?