How good is ChatGPT?

An experiment in the boundaries of AI

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  • 12 8, 2022
  • in Business

One morninggptaigpt aigtpsgptsai your correspondent woke up to an email from his editor, asking for yet another article. “Chat and other generative- services seem to be taking the world by storm,” it read. “Could you write an article explaining what they are and why they are not just hype?” As he was feeling lazy he asked Chat,an -based online service trained on reams of text from the internet, to answer that question, adding that it should be written in Shakespearean language. This is what came back:Aye, ‘tis true that ‘tis a wondrous thing, these Generative Artificial Intelligences, or as they be known. ‘Tis a marvel of modern science, and ‘tis no wonder that ‘tis taking the world by storm.But what are they, truly? And why should we care? be a type of technology that can generate natural language in response to input. ‘Tis a form of deep learning, wherein a computer system is trained on vast amounts of text data,And then can generate its own text based on what it hath learned. ‘Tis more than mere hype; ‘tis a powerful tool that can be used for a multitude of applicationsFrom creating content to aiding in customer service.

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