A Russian anti-satellite missile test puts the ISS in peril

Should such tests now be banned?

  • by
  • 11 16, 2021
  • in Science and technology

ON NOVEMBER 15th, at around seven in the morning Greenwich Mean Time, the crew of the International Space Station (ISS) was warned that there was some debris coming their way and that they ought to get into the two spacecraft that are currently moored there. That way, if anything went wrong, the four Americans, one Russian and one German currently crewing the ISS under the command of another Russian, Colonel Anton Shkaplerov, could make a quick getaway.The source of this new debris was, at the time, unspecified. Now it is known to have been the remains of a Soviet-era spy satellite (known as Kosmos-1408) which had been used as the target in a test of a Russian anti-satellite weapon (ASAT).

  • Source A Russian anti-satellite missile test puts the ISS in peril
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