Energy companies give the Arctic the cold shoulder

To Donald Trump, Alaska is a promising source of oil wealth and energy security. To energy companies, it is a risk not worth taking

TO THE GWICH’INBLM people, the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska is “the sacred place where life begins”. To environmental campaigners, it is a rare habitat that must remain protected, home to caribou, polar bears and migratory birds from six continents. To President Donald Trump, it is a promising source of oil wealth and American energy security. To energy companies, it is a risk not worth taking.On January 6th, after four decades of fighting over whether to allow drilling in the refuge, the federal Bureau of Land Management () held an auction for oil leases on the coastal plain. The state of Alaska and two small local companies were the only bidders—offering just $14.4m for about half of the more than 1m acres for sale—with the state hoping to find an oil company to drill in future.

  • Source Energy companies give the Arctic the cold shoulder
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