Dismay and violence after a police killing in France

A teenager’s shooting has touched the nation

THE CARCASS of a torched car lies upside down on the pavement, its tyres burned to ashes. Opposite, a warm breeze flows through the shattered glass sides of a bus shelter. The desolation on the streets of the Pablo Picasso housing project in Nanterre, on the outskirts of Paris, follows a second night of rioting after a policeman shot dead a 17-year-old boy who lived on this estate. The killing, which took place on June 27th, has touched a nerve for many in France, and prompted an outpouring of distress as well as violence.The teenager, identified as Nahel, failed to stop when ordered to by two traffic policemen while he was driving at high speed down a bus lane in Nanterre, said Pascal Prache, the public prosecutor, on June 29th. When the police officers caught up with the car in a traffic jam, and asked the driver to switch off the engine, the car accelerated; one of the policemen shot the driver, Nahel, in the chest. He died less than an hour later. On June 29th Mr Prache put the policeman under formal investigation for “voluntary homicide”.

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