The war is forcing Russia’s Balkan friends to recalibrate

Even Serbia is uneasy about Vladimir Putin’s aggression

sad, Aleksandar Vucic, Serbia’s president, says he has talked to Vladimir Putin but not tried to influence him over the war in Ukraine. “I am a small guy…I have to take care of small issues for my small country.” The war has sent shock waves through the Balkans, but for the leaders of the generally pro-Russian Serbs, it has elevated the political art of ducking and weaving to new heights. Three weeks ago Belgrade was bedecked with German flags in preparation for a visit of Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Then Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, announced that he too would be dropping by to visit Russia’s only remaining friend in Europe apart from Belarus. Mr Vucic moaned to Western diplomats that he had invited himself. Next, the Lavrov visit was scuppered when three neighbours refused Mr Lavrov permission to fly over their territory. Mr Vucic complained that, unable “to do anything to Russia”, they, meaning Western countries, were “taking it out” on Serbia.

  • Source The war is forcing Russia’s Balkan friends to recalibrate
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