Amid blackouts, South Africa’s ruling party of 27 years is losing its grip

The ANC may do badly in local elections. Some see an omen for national ones in 2024

IF HUBRIS COULD fuel a power station, then the African National Congress (ANC) would never have to worry about blackouts. Ahead of local elections on November 1st South Africa’s ruling party is again presiding over rolling power cuts, a result of ineptitude and corruption at Eskom, the public electricity provider. There has already been more “load-shedding”—the euphemism for when Eskom selectively cuts power to neighbourhoods or towns when it does not generate enough for the whole country—in 2021 than in any other year. The power cuts are strangling sub-Saharan Africa’s most industrialised economy and casting a shadow over a country once seen as a beacon of hope for the continent.One might therefore expect a glimmer of humility from the leaders of the ANC, which has ruled South Africa without a break for more than 27 years since the end of white rule. But on October 28th Cyril Ramaphosa told residents of a township east of Johannesburg that “If you don't vote for the ANC, then electricity may never be restored.” The president then asked: “Which other party do you trust to ensure that electricity is restored here?"

  • Source Amid blackouts, South Africa’s ruling party of 27 years is losing its grip
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