What's one thing the next president should do? Here's what you told us

Some offered straightforward suggestions. Others offered broader guidance. Like "Quit being a Republican or Democrat, and be a president." And: “Be honest. Serve to actually look after Americans, America and our resources.”

If you could make one suggestion to whichever candidate is elected president in November, what would it be? That’s what we asked Chicago Sun-Times readers. Some offered straightforward ideas. Others offered broader guidance. Here’s a sampling of what we heard, lightly edited for clarity.“Quit being a Republican or Democrat, and be a president.”“Be honest. Serve to actually look after Americans, America and our resources.”“Put in eight-year term limits for ALL federal and state political positions, just like for the president. No more career politicians.”“Don’t cut our Social Security and disability!”“Investigate price-fixing by major corporations, and demand answers to why, while making record profits, they continue to increase prices.”“Keep our country safe. Stop allowing open borders.”“Make sure the convicted criminal, Donald Trump, faces his crimes and serves any and all prison time!”“No taxes for the elderly! Maybe 65 and older. Raise Social Security.”“No more tax cuts for billionaires and corporations. It’s time to invest in the middle class and the infrastructure of this country.”“Bring all our troops home, and stay out of other countries’ business.”“Have pity on the working man.”“Stay true to your word because that would make you politically unique.”“Push to restructure our police model in the United States.”“Truth, no name-calling and results for this country. You work for us!”“Keep our country safe and our allies in our corner.”“Freeze all car, home, health insurance rates, and institute a mandatory minimum annual increase for Medicare payer reimbursement rates — the rate paid to doctors and other health care providers.”

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