How Marine Le Pen is preparing for power

The party has its eyes not on protest but on the presidency

It is anRNRNRN annual ritual in France for politicians to make a new year’s address. Time was that Marine Le Pen, the leader of the (, formerly the National Front), did so from the back room of a boxy building in Nanterre, on the drab outskirts of Paris. In those days the party she took over in 2011 from her father, Jean-Marie, was more about low-budget protest and fringe provocation than taking power.This January the job fell to Jordan Bardella, her slick 28-year-old protégé and now president, whom she watched from the front row. In a dark suit and tie, he spoke from a grand on the swanky Avenue Hoche in Paris, a step away from the Champs-Elysées. The symbolism was potent. The shift from the capital’s periphery to the heart of elite Paris encapsulates a strategy: the is preparing for power.

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