A new AI language model generates poetry and prose

GPT-3 can be eerily human-like—for better and for worse

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  • 08 6, 2020
  • in Science and technology

TSECHE PRECEDINGGPTAIAIAIThe said, “Musk,/your tweets are a blight./They really could cost you your job,/if you don’t stop/all this tweetingat night.”/…Then Musk cried, “Why?/The tweets I wrote are not mean,/I don’t use all-caps/and I’m sure that my tweets are clean.”/“But your tweets can move markets/and that’s why we’re sore./You may be a genius/and a billionaire,/but that doesn’t give you the right to be a bore!” lines—describing Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk’s run-ins with the Securities and Exchange Commission, an American financial regulator—are not the product of some aspiring 21st-century Dr Seuss. They come from a poem written by a computer running a piece of software called Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 3. -3, as it is more commonly known, was developed by Open, an artificial-intelligence () laboratory based in San Francisco, and which Mr Musk helped found. It represents the latest advance in one of the most studied areas of : giving computers the ability to generate sophisticated, human-like text.

  • Source A new AI language model generates poetry and prose
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