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- 01 30, 2025
up at a food bank only for a millionaire to rock up in a and announce he is snapping up the entire supply of grub. That is roughly how Europe feels these days. Amid a continent-wide energy crunch, governments from Athens to Warsaw have spent months figuring out how to keep homes warm and factories running. European politicians have shared their best ideas, and tried to make sure whatever they did at home would not beggar their neighbours too much. The sense of everyone being in the mire together at least reinforced the unity forged in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Until, that is, Germany on September 29th flashed its cash with a surprise €200bn ($197bn) energy package to secure its own economic prospects. So long, suckers!Governments across Europe have helped businesses and households deal with soaring power prices. Utility bills have been capped, taxes trimmed, benefits boosted. Most would love to do more, but there is only so much they can afford, especially after years of spending freely to keep the economy afloat during covid-19. Germany last week in effect proclaimed that such limits don’t apply to it. Because of healthy state finances, it can afford to borrow up to 5% of to create a “protective shield” that will insulate Germans from the cost of higher energy. While everyone else in Europe will have to cut back on gas or suffer the consequences, those in Europe’s biggest economy will be able to behave as if not much is going on. In case anyone felt their nose insufficiently rubbed in German success, Christian Lindner, the finance minister, proclaimed: “We are economically strong, and we mobilise that economic strength when it is needed.”