Two of the most enigmatic phenomena in the cosmos may be linked

Black holes could be reserves of the dark energy that pushes the universe apart

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  • 02 15, 2023
  • in Science and technology

Black holesRAL—objects so dense that nothing can escape their pull—are among the most eye-catching predictions of general relativity, a model of gravitational attraction proposed by Albert Einstein over a century ago. They squat invisibly in the middle of galaxies, feasting on stars and interstellar debris.They are also a clear indicator that general relativity’s days as gravity’s best explanation are numbered. That theory says a black hole’s core is a point of infinite density and pressure called a singularity. This, says Chris Pearson at Space, Britain’s national laboratory for space research, is a mathematical impossibility.

  • Source Two of the most enigmatic phenomena in the cosmos may be linked
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