Joe Biden adopts a tough new tone with Vladimir Putin

But will it be enough to avert another Russian invasion of Ukraine?

WHEN JOE BIDENNATO met Vladimir Putin in Geneva last June, he spoke of his desire for “stable and predictable” relations with Russia and pointed to several areas in which the two could co-operate, not least on limiting nuclear weapons and fighting terrorism. This time, in a two-hour video call, the tone was confrontational. Mr Biden warned his counterpart of harsh retribution if the Russian troops currently massing on Ukraine’s borders launched an invasion.“He told President Putin...that, if Russia further invades Ukraine, the United States and our European allies would respond with strong economic measures,” said Jake Sullivan, Mr Biden’s national security adviser. “We would provide additional defensive material to the Ukrainians …and we would fortify our allies on the eastern flank with additional capabilities in response to such an escalation.”

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