Turkey eyes reconciliation with a Syrian regime it tried to topple

But it will mean little for millions of Syrians beset by poverty

  • by DUBAI
  • 01 19, 2023
  • in Middle East and Africa

THEY WERE once friends, but even a good therapist might call their relationship hopeless. For years they traded insults. One used terms such as terrorist, butcher, baby-killer; the other had his own choice slurs, from thief and murderer to “small-time employee of the Americans”. Words are just words, but there were actions too: it is hard to forgive a friend for supporting men who want you dead. But in diplomacy everything can be forgiven, or—at least officially—forgotten.With Russia’s encouragement, Syria and Turkey are edging towards rapprochement. Last month their defence ministers and spy chiefs held their first public tête-à-tête in more than a decade. It was followed by rumours that their foreign ministers might do the same—and then perhaps their presidents. Or perhaps not: the foreign ministers’ meeting has been repeatedly delayed. They have reasons to seek reconciliation, but there are also obstacles.

  • Source Turkey eyes reconciliation with a Syrian regime it tried to topple
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