A step towards a contraceptive pill for men?

A fast-acting, time-limited drug shows promise in male mice

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  • 02 15, 2023
  • in Science and technology

How often does locker-room talk involve nuanced discussion of the various types of contraceptives available, and the merits and difficulties associated with them all? In women’s locker rooms, the answer is “surprisingly frequently”. In men’s, “hardly ever”. Contraception has long been an overwhelmingly female issue.At least in part, that is because men have little to discuss. Their choice is between condoms and vasectomy. Women, by contrast, may pick from a range which includes the Pill, vaginal rings, copper intrauterine devices, hormonal intrauterine devices, contraceptive sponges, cervical caps, spermicides, diaphragms, female condoms and tubal ligation. For decades, therefore, researchers have hunted for ways to level the playing field by extending men’s options. But none of the resulting injections, gels and hormonal pills has so far advanced beyond clinical trials.

  • Source A step towards a contraceptive pill for men?
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