Protests against Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform turn violent

Why the French are in revolt

WHAT IS GOING on in France? A night of rioting on March 23rd saw 903 acts of arson in Paris, as bins overflowing with uncollected, stinking rubbish were torched. In Bordeaux rioters set the town-hall door alight. Across France, 457 people were arrested and 441 policemen and injured in clashes on the streets.The violence came at the end of a day-long national strike, the ninth since the start of the year. More than 1m people marched against President Emmanuel Macron’s decision to raise the retirement age from 62 years to 64. Such is the unrest on the streets that on March 24th France and Britain jointly decided to postpone the four-day visit of King Charles, which was supposed to begin only two days later.

  • Source Protests against Emmanuel Macron’s pension reform turn violent
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