A Nobel prize in physiology for mRNA vaccines

Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman helped pioneer a technology that saved millions of lives

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  • 10 2, 2023
  • in Science and technology

THE COMMITTEESDNARNA which award the Nobel science prizes (chemistry, physics and physiology or medicine) are hard to second-guess. Last year, for instance, the physiology prize went to , who helped invent the field of fossil , and then used that invention to shed copious light on human evolution.A worthy winner. But some thought the choice an odd one in light of the covid-19 pandemic that had recently ravaged the world. A more obvious set of laureates might have been some of those who helped develop the which had been invented, tested and deployed in record time against the virus. And this year the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, which awards the prize, made amends.

  • Source A Nobel prize in physiology for mRNA vaccines
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