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- 01 30, 2025
the rules about international tax? For 60 years the answer has mostly been the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (), a club of rich countries. The rest of the world thinks that is unfair. Developing countries have long argued for a leading role for the , where they hope to have more of a say.That idea came a step closer on November 23rd, when members resolved to begin talks on international tax co-operation. The decision makes no difference to a landmark -led tax deal signed by 137 countries and jurisdictions last year. But it does expose the limitations of the so-called “Inclusive Framework” through which that plan is being implemented. Although non- negotiators are becoming more assertive, winning some concessions, they make up less than a quarter of attendees at working-party meetings. Only half of African countries are participating in the talks. African tax officials complain of being presented with documents in the evening for comment the next morning.