Leopard seals share their suppers

Bad news if you are a penguin

  • by
  • 08 17, 2019
  • in Science and technology

LEOPARD SEALS resemble their terrestrial namesakes in two ways. They have polka-dot pelts. And they are powerful, generally solitary carnivores that are quite capable of killing a human being if they so choose—as has indeed happened once, in 2003, when a British marine biologist was the victim.Curiously, though, there have also been reports of leopard seals behaving in a friendly manner towards people—apparently trying to present gifts, in the form of prey, to divers. Until now, there has been no explanation for this philanthropy. But work just published in by James Robbins of Plymouth University, in Britain, suggests that what the seals are actually looking for is a dining partner.

  • Source Leopard seals share their suppers
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