Why the state should not promote marriage

Even though children from two-parent households do better in life

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  • 09 28, 2023
  • in Finance and economics

Here are some stark facts about family structure and children in America. Whereas the poverty rate among youngsters living with two married parents is 7.5%, among those raised by a single mother it is 35%. Children of married parents tend to behave better in school, stay in education longer and earn more as adults. Those raised by married parents appear to be at an advantage even after controlling for the age, education and race of their mothers.Yet marriage has been in long-term decline (and without a compensating rise in unmarried cohabitation). Today more than two-fifths of births are to unmarried mothers, up from less than a fifth in 1980. The fall is unequal across demographic groups: only 11% of births to college-educated mothers are outside wedlock. Marriage has gone from being a pretty universal institution to an exclusive one that propels life advantage through generations.

  • Source Why the state should not promote marriage
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