Binyamin Netanyahu has lost his aura of invincibility

Mass protests halt the Israeli prime minister’s plans to curb judicial independence

ISRAEL’S PRIME MINISTER, Binyamin Netanyahu, was for many years seen as one of the most gifted politicians of his time. His ability to keep winning elections, becoming Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, earned him the nickname “The Magician”. His tenacity—Mr Netanyahu fought five elections in four years in a bid to win a solid majority—was rewarded last year when he returned to office, after a year and a half in opposition, at the head of a of religious zealots, Jewish supremacists and homophobes. Yet his panicked actions over the past few days suggest he has , and with it the aura of invincibility that has made him such a formidable politician for the best part of three decades.The bargain Mr Netanyahu struck last December with religious and right-wing parties included a pledge to weaken the powers and independence of the Supreme Court. Many on the right object to unelected judges, whom they see as intent on thwarting the will of elected politicians. Yet for the past 12 weeks Israelis have come onto the streets to protect judicial independence. Their numbers have grown steadily. The demonstrations, by mainly secular Israelis, intensified in recent days as Mr Netanyahu’s government tried to push through its legislation before April 2nd, when the Knesset (parliament) enters recess for about a month.

  • Source Binyamin Netanyahu has lost his aura of invincibility
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