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- 01 30, 2025
of safety in which marine life can multiply, and the overspill into nearby unprotected areas will provide more quarry for fisherfolk than if no such zone existed. That is the theory, anyway. And practice suggests it works. However, the advantage may be more than a mere increase in numbers. A study of lobsters suggests that, for these creatures at least, (s), as they are known formally, also reverse an evolutionary trend towards smaller individuals which fishing imposes, thus benefiting the men and women in the boats twice over.The research in question was conducted by Tonje Sordalen of the University of Agder, in Norway, and is published this week in the . Dr Sordalen started from the fact that for several species, lobsters included, growth rates and boldness of behaviour seem to go hand in hand, suggesting they are promoted by the same genes. Why, is not clear. One hypothesis is that faster-growing individuals need to spend more time and effort searching for food.